As every month, we share, in collaboration with the TT Club, a new best practices sheet. This time, we focus on carrier fraud and how to prevent it.
Do you know the warning signs to watch for?
Carrier fraud is becoming more frequent and sophisticated. Fraudsters take advantage of the digital environment to create fictitious companies, intercept legitimate transactions and hide their fraudulent activity. Global supply chain workers can easily become victims without realizing it.
The three most common carrier frauds are:
- Fake carriers: Fraudsters posing as legitimate carriers to steal goods.
- Driver call forwarding: Changing instructions to drivers to divert deliveries to fraudulent destinations.
- Fraudulent collection: Use of false documentation or stolen vehicles to collect cargo.
How to prevent it?
✅ Always verify the identity of the carrier and delivery instructions.
✅ Perform due diligence, especially in times of high pressure.
✅ Maintain constant communication with the client and supervisor to verify any last minute changes.
Protecting your supply chain requires being vigilant and following rigorous procedures.
If you suspect fraud, remember: 🔴 “STOP, Think, Investigate, Contact, Report”.
Prevention is the key to protect your business! 👉 You can view the complete sheet at the following link: Good Practices Sheet – Carrier Fraud